Miracle Nurser

  • $21.95

These amazing nursers are designed for small to medium sized suckling mammals, with a pre-made hole, superior flexibility, and the ease of use due to the fact that they will fit all luer-lock tip syringes. This nurser will also fit the cap of a small nursing bottle.

These nipples have been designed to far outlast others with less chance of small sharp teeth piercing the nipple. They have also been designed to alleviate the chance of an animal swallowing the entire nipple or biting the nipple in half. This nipple is also designed with a kneading pad for the animals to knead with their small paws as they would naturally do while nursing on their mother.

We know you'll be as excited about this product as we are!

As well, the nipples have a tiny, pre-made hole ; no need to make one on your own.

While our product is very durable and may last through many feedings and litters, please watch for wear and notice if the nipple is changing to a red color. This is a normal progression. Please dispose at any sign of weakness and replace to a new nipple as needed.

A revolutionary design allowing a steady, slow flow of milk while reducing the risk of aspiration. 

These nursers are made with natural rubber from and in the USA. No latex or silicon can be found in our product.

Please be wary of poorly made and unsafe counterfeit products! Many are made with lead and can be toxic to our pets.

Copper Hollow is an authorized Canadian Retailer. We are so proud to bring these to our wonderful customers.

MINI: Designed for short-faced toy dog breeds. Ex: Pug, Chihuahua    NEWBORN: squirrels, mice, bunnies, kittens.

ORIGINAL: Best designed for kittens of all ages. Ideally, begin with the Mini and the kittens graduate to the Original as they grow.

SMALL PUPPY: Designed for small and medium breed puppies. Also good for smaller size large breed dogs to start. Ex. Shetland Sheepdog, Whippet, French Bulldog, Bichon Frise.

LARGE: Designed for medium to giant breed dogs, raccoons, large exotic cats, foxes. Ex. Setter, Great Dane, Rottweiler, older English Bulldog.

NEW! Small/Large Duo Pack: Contains one each of Small Puppy and Large.

Many breeds begin with the smaller size and graduate quickly to the next biggest size. If unsure, purchasing two sizes will ensure variety and perhaps even help a picky puppy or kitten. Please ask us for assistance via email or phone. We are here to help you!

Do you have a finicky wee one not taking to the nurser? We've had great feedback to soak the newly washed nursers in mother's milk or formula for approximately 10-15 minutes. This can take away the rubber scent making them more appetizing. 

Nipples may be washed in warm, soapy water. Please wash before use. Simply dry well and re-use as needed. Rubber will vary in color between batches.


Mini and Original Two-Packs are sold with 1 x 3cc O-Ring Syringe.

The Small Two Pack variety is sold with 2 x 10cc O-Ring Syringes.

The Large Two Pack variety is sold with 2 O-Ring Syringes (1 x 10cc and 1 x 20cc)

The Duo-Pack with Small & Large variety is sold with 2 O-Ring Syringes (10cc & 20cc)

10 Packs Available in Mini and Original Only.


Also Available:

Miracle Syringes - quality luer-lock syringes with smooth glide O-Ring disk

All Luer-Lock syringes will fit all sizes of Miracle Nipples.

Please shop for various syringe sizes here:
